Recent content by Johno

  1. Johno


    Yes, its own by Justin (we all know his history)
  2. Johno

    PHP Retro -Final Error - Once Fixed - im going to start packing this for everyone!

    Probably the avatar system is way outdated and needs to use the new url and build
  3. Johno

    furnidata.xml error

    Do you have a link to the file / pastebin ?
  4. Johno

    A Credit Bug in my holo, I buy and the credits don't go down I still have the same ones

    Is this a store within the website or client ?
  5. Johno

    Where can i buy ready premade habbo hotel for offline usage?

    Don't buy from a hosting provider who is actively advertising "we setup your retro" Cold light of day facts Retros are illegal, copyright material and any legit company will not be participating in such activity Best option is rent a server, attempt the setup from the tuts on here, if you...
  6. Johno

    How do I change this?

    Such as CMS, maybe link us to the files you are using and someone can advise you better
  7. Johno

    How do I change this?

    Which files are you using ?
  8. Johno

    A friends hotel wont load anything (in hotel) after a hourish

    If using Cloudflare, sounds like the browser check is timing out then you need to refresh the page, to reset the check then it will work again
  9. Johno

    Dark-UI - RETROLABS - Open Source

    I will put the offer here, if any of the devs in the commuinity need a server to setup a mirror or any type of API server for example for comminity use let me know, Im sure I can spare the space
  10. Johno

    Dark-UI - RETROLABS - Open Source

    Most of the files inside open in VS (Visual studio) allowing you to see the source. What more do you look ?
  11. Johno

    Dark-UI - RETROLABS - Open Source

    Welcome bud, if you need anything else adding to the mirror let me know
  12. Johno

    Dark-UI - RETROLABS - Open Source

    Just because I am a nice guy here is a backup mirror
  13. Johno

    SSL on my Doamin is activated yet not working idk why?! Help please!

    Are you using Cloudflare for your website ?
  14. Johno

    SSL on my Doamin is activated yet not working idk why?! Help please!

    Do you have the SSL installed on the server or just using a CloudFlare SSL ?
  15. Johno

    Cloudflare, IIS, Nginx

    turn off cloudflare for a moment, issue the SSL and enable it again