Recent content by Zodiak

  1. Zodiak


  2. Zodiak

    sup baby

    sup baby
  3. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    Updated the discord link.
  4. Zodiak

    Recruiting RetroSetups | TCP Proxy Setup Specialist

    Are TCP proxies not kind of redundant since Cloudflare handles web-sockets? I'm pretty sure you'll not go over your usage unless you're a massively scaled hotel. I wish you the best of luck in your business venture, but those setup fees are insanely overpriced considering you're charging for...
  5. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    Committed a few updates, nothing to show off in terms of pictures really. Fixed some plus things. Added gang creation, deletion & leaving (currently as commands client-side for testing purposes, just sends the packets for them as the UI would) Reworked my livefeed to parse it better without...
  6. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    Made a turf capturing system, turfs will be a reasonably big area that can be captured, when you reach 100% your gang will capture the turf, if another gang enters the capture zone then it'll be contested. If a gang already started capturing, you'll need to clear their percentage before...
  7. Zodiak

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    Write a line of code without 9 frameworks and then you can shit on people.
  8. Zodiak

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    The only hotel I can think of I've ever had in a beta for a long time was HabLife and that was discontinued because of mental health issues. Right reason or not, nobody likes a bully. Everybody has a learning curve and shitting on them while they're learning is not going to help them better...
  9. Zodiak

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    Surely a bold claim like that comes with some evidence to back it up? Sure, in the past I shit on people for stupid stuff but that's the big difference between us, I grew up. Anybody who's come to me with a problem in recent times I've always done my best to help.
  10. Zodiak

    How would you describe a successful hotel?

    Not everybody is interested in coding, in an actual tech company do you think most of the higher ups know anything about servers or programs? Nobody has gotten lazier, they just don't have to do as much because it's been handed to them. Most of us had to learn to do it ourselves because our only...
  11. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    Whipped up a corportion tool, I'm shit at design so this will be reworked a lot, still need to add player corps and applying to it. Also made a start on gangs & gang turfs. Fixed/reworked a bunch of shit that was messy or straight up broken.
  12. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    Little progress update, this is kinda late, but oh well. Added on to the xp orbs a little, added a little tooltip with information about your level and experience (the icons are fixed now these are old gifs) Added some basic police-style commands Also added a packet and added on to the...
  13. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    A lot of peaks earlier features were derivited from my original ideas/features, they just ended up expanding on them and making them better, peak did a good job and dominated in the roleplay scene so it's hard to not copy their ideas, though I don't think it's copying because everything thats...
  14. Zodiak

    Habbo Roleplay

    Short and sweet, not sure how many people actually still use the Habbo section of this forum, but I'm developing a roleplay since I've not seen many in some time and it's been a while since I've done any project in relation to Habbo. It's still in the very early stages. I've not even thought of...
  15. Zodiak

    Beware of St33lix

    Wouldn't recommend using the files as it uses a different connection from the main nitro connection for roleplay features, the amount of time you'd spend finding what you want in the god awful structure and code (unless you wrote it yourself and know where everything is) you could just add your...