I fucking LOVE Cloudflare!


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
Seriously, I do. I just realized it's been almost 2 years since I last signed into my 'main' Cloudflare account. No issues, no weird glitches or downtime or any questions, because it's so simple to use it just fucking makes sense. And anytime you would have an issue? They sent you an email saying they're working on it 3 minutes before it effected you. There's no question on how to do something; login & you immediately recognize how to do whatever action was necessary because it makes sense. If you're reading this thinking "duhh that's how it's supposed to be!" become an Office 365 admin and you'll understand the difficulties of googling how to do something in a strange place that is changing every 3-6 months. You'll think you know how to do something and then you go to do it and BAM, new user interface! Thought you knew how to change something relatively simple? "FUCK YOU" -Microsoft's design team. Ever used the Admin Center on Windows server 2012 or up? "FUCK YOU" -Microsoft's design team (again), Does your deployment require something unknowingly unique? Better fucking have an MSP on speed dial because I gaurentee you're going to set it up wrong and have to COMPLETELY REINSTALL THE OPERATING SYSTEM AND ANYTHING PRIOR to get the actual process to work, because the one little thing the 'wizard' missed is extremely important, one time, can only be done when the server is fresh with nothing else installed at all no matter what regardless of deployment or prerequisits that may contradict anything you hear (do not attempt to apply your logic, only listen to what the MSP says because your logic is a fallacy!)

Let's throw Backblaze into this too, both services (Cloudflare & Backblaze) are considered mandatory in today's infrastructure. Maybe not from those companies, but if you go out and setup a client without DDoS protection and Backups what the fuck were you doing anyway? And when you were doing it, you didn't see all the settings to automatically link the software with the DDoS/Backup service? Goddamn this shit is so easy now, I remember when having an entire server dedicated to just backing up your data was a regular occurrence even for single server deployments because the resources required to run a backup were usually 50% of what the host had all together.

I really just wanted to post this because I appreciate what these people have done to completely revolutionize processes which were much, much more painstaking to get done.

Lemme shout out to Lets Encrypt too, that shit is so cash. You guys, if you aren't Backing up, Encrypting (at rest too!!!), and protecting from DDoS, you've missed a fundamental step in the process of whatever you were doing (which is certainly okay in some deployments, i.e XAMPP).

Reply, don't reply, give me snarky responses, all I wanted was to post this and hope that in conjunction with my many reviews the people doing their jobs at these wonderful places may see my drunken tirade on how awesome of a job they're truly doing. I love you, Devbest, Backblaze, Cloudlfare, cPanel, Apache/nginx, MySQl/PostgreDB, PHP, Dennis Ritchie, and many many people that deserve much more respect but aren't getting it, this one's to the girls and boys making sysadmin lives way, way easier.


Web Developer
Aug 6, 2015
This is so true, Cloudflare is possibly the easiest thing to setup, honestly its harder to add a fucking nameserver than it is to setup cloudflare LMAO.

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