Recent content by TheGeneral

  1. TheGeneral

    Atom CMS - A Laravel multi-theme CMS

    Welcome to the Habbo retro community where people try to scam you for $5
  2. TheGeneral

    [Emulator + Nitro] Arceus Pack

    Finally someone who knows what the fuck they're supposed to be doing!
  3. TheGeneral


    Still slow af 1713563099 The latency is on the client, not the server.
  4. TheGeneral

    Sadie Emulator

    Nitro has been build against shitty Arcturus as ground truth instead of the official Habbo servers. Mistakes in Arcturus result in issues in Nitro.
  5. TheGeneral

    Archangel: A New Era of Role-Playing

    I like the usage of the user infostand widget :) How will you make sure there won't be too much interaction in there?
  6. TheGeneral

    Crack latest AIR SWF

    Hi, Anyone around here that can help me get the latest AIR swf to work? I'll give you $100 in whatever of your choice for the effort ! Fix host issue Remove RC4 Bypass encryption Optionally patch it for Flash Player Thanks
  7. TheGeneral

    Sadie Emulator

    Good luck! More people starting .NET emulators recently, great to see! What are you using for your database? Simple mysql connection or an ORM? Couple personal suggestions: Split your parsers and DTOs. Then you can abstract away your networking part and more easily run simulations / tests. You...
  8. TheGeneral

    Sticking with Nitro, need help with Radio Plugin for Client please!

    You can use the audio HTML tags: You can use some javascript to create start / stop buttons.
  9. TheGeneral

    Archangel: A New Era of Role-Playing

    Good luck with the pile of :poop: code :D
  10. TheGeneral

    Project Mango.

    is this the same mango emu from like 2013/14? I'd recommend looking into C# best practices. Update to latest net core, dependency injection. Perhaps even efcore for database.
  11. TheGeneral

    Apex HTML5

    So much ignorance and nonsense in your comment.
  12. TheGeneral

    Apex HTML5

    By not sticking to one standard protocol, you would just fragment this community even further. Nobody willing to rewrite their client when a better server pops up. Just because Sulake makes shitty decisions regarding their gameplay, doesnt mean sticking to their protocol is a bad idea...
  13. TheGeneral

    Apex HTML5

    Stick to the original flash protocol instead of implementing custom shit like Nitro does. This way you're automatically compatible with any other emulator.
  14. TheGeneral

    Plus++ Emulator - Community Continuation of Plus Emulator

    Looking for more contributors to Plus++! Can be bug reporting, bug fixing, tutorial writing, plugins etc! Anything that contributes to Plus++ goes and gets you a special contributor role! Anyone here that can guide me on cracking the flash client, patching host, removing encryption and getting...