Search results

  1. LJW18

    Yabbo - A Fresh Start

    Hi guys, I'd like to introduce Yabbo hotel to the community; Yabbo did exist previously ran by different owners however we have decided to come together as one and give it the overhaul that it required in order to make it succesful. Yabbo itself is ran using Arcturus Morningstar 3.6.0 &...
  2. LJW18


    I have some free time now, and will for a while so offering to help people with their issues (free of charge ofc). I'm by no means a Developer but I know enough to deal with some of the "Frequently asked" questions on here. Also, it'll be a learning experience as well for me. So, if it's you...
  3. LJW18

    General enquiry

    Hi, I am just wondering if anybody remembers the name of the "tool" that muppets used to use to gain a staff members password and rank themself on someone else's retro. Genuinely only wondering as I think this may of been the case for a friend's habbo retro. Thanks 👍
  4. LJW18

    A stab in the dark

    Hi guys, bit of a long shot as my knowledge is next to none, I ruined my old PC beyond repair (it was years and years old) and I'm looking for advice. I need a new system, not for gaming as of yet but a build that I can alter for gaming in the future when I decide that's what I want to use it...
  5. LJW18

    Will there ever be another Habbo Roleplay?

    I suppose this is a topic where opinions, conversation and overall the likelihood of it ever being a realistic possibility within this community again will differ. It's more just for conversation, I know Peak being gone is old news now but what do you guys think of a new Roleplay coming along...