#DB10 - User Story Series - Part 3: Dzetki


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
We're keeping the development theme alive! After the retrospective, we're now moving on to user stories. There's one major difference though, where a user story would normally focus on things to come, we're actually diving into the past of DevBest and its community. For this series, we've contacted a few members who left their mark on DevBest, new, active, inactive, or old users, we threw them in the mix. We asked them to write a bit about their experience on DevBest, but they were fully free to write whatever they wanted to write. There's no fixed format.

Read part 1 here:
Read part 2 here:

Part 2: Dzetki
A true legend, that still pops in sometimes. You might have even seen his face pop up quite a few times, as he has his own emoticon on the forums DzetkiFace - a true part of DevBest. So, let's dive into @Dzetki his story!

Name: Sindre (Dzetki)
Joined: July 16, 2010

Okay so. I've no idea where to start. So I'll just write something.
I originally started with retros, stalking the forums I could find on google. Eventually, I discovered that the biggest retro topsite had a "Forum" button. From there, things spiraled.

I found Thehabbos forum, which shortly after changed to DevBest (Note, my memory might be misleading me here). At first, I was just checking things out, staying more active on other forums I'd been on previously, including a month of moderating for one. Eventually, as the community grew, this turned into my main forum to be on. This was ongoing for years after. I didn't know at that time, that this was where I'd end up meeting my best friend, and some other friends I've kept off-and-on contact with since.

Eventually, I got into habbo retro dev. Subsequently, the retro category was where I was most active. As a position opened up there, of course I jumped on it. I remained as a mod for about 6months (if memory serves right, god I feel old), before pursuing other venues that eventually failed. I still remained active though. As my interest for Habbo diminished, my inspiration for programming and Content creation flourished. Even doing a few vids with members here (those who partook in this knows who they are). At the end, I was more active in the Minecraft section, which at that point had started gaining traction
Then 2015 hit. I became a dad, my life took an unexpected u-turn to hell and back, and activity on all online forums just went poof. I've still lurked on occasion, but life kept preventing me from getting too active. Due to certain legal issues, I didn't want retros to play part of my life at that point. You can probably guess why.

That's a more tricky question isn't it? When do I return? Or when did I disappear?

Did you die?
Not to my knowledge, no! I came back to see my profile having a few "RIP Sindre" or "Did you die?" posts on it. I am very much alive, and everyone in my family's doing well, except for the occasional economic worry. Those few here that added me on FB, has probably seen me vanish for the most part. That's mainly due to my dislike for Facebook eventually growing to levels where I wasn't interested in being active there.

Onto my best bits!
  • Meeting some of my closest friends
  • Getting inspiration to try programming, which has remained my #1 hobby ever since.
  • That time when I made the most buggy, unsecure CMS in existence, AND putting it on a public hotel.
  • Playing with, discussing, and having fun with the overall community.
  • All the bs that went down in the shoutbox/chatbox... Some of it was absolutely hilarious.
I remained active for about 5 years, 3 months then went silent.
This has, however, made me interested in trying to get to know the community again, so you may see my return in the future? Who knows!

Do you want to see a specific user in another part of the User Story Series? Tag them below in the comments!


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