Habbo.ms - A UNIQUE virtual world - Start an exciting adventure!

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New Member
May 24, 2022

Hello there! I would like to introduce to you, ! A professional on-going organisation waiting to welcome you. CREATE your account today! Discord is also available on site for those wondering.

A free online server currently open to the public. No fees are charged on our platforms and you can participate in the game without any restrictions. was founded on March 02, 2022. The grand opening was on May 01, 2022. Each new Habbo starts with 5,000 credits and 500 duckets.

Dedicated Rewards
You earn streak levels when you log in every day. If you log in 7 days in a row, you will get a level up. The level up will give you higher daily rewards. If you don't log in for 24 hours, your streak level will start all over again. Special Members and King Members receive higher daily rewards. Also for logging in every day you will receive a flame. If you don't log in for 24 hours you will lose all your flames. With flames you can buy great extras like, rares, badges and special commands in the shop.

In there are multiple ways to increase your wealth by doing various fun activities such as participating in events, fishing at the fishing bay, collecting at our collector park or by mining at the digging site. These are cool ways to gain profits for your personal Habbo profile. An awesome implemented feature we have is every 30 minutes on the client a scrambled word will appear and every user has 5 minutes to unscramble that word. The first Habbo to guess the answer correctly gets the reward. Only 1 user can win. The rewards are in credits, duckets and you also receive an exclusive badge. Additionally, increasing the fun and excitement for the Habbo community, we also have a lottery system in-game. This occurs in game every 2 hours. Each Habbo has 15 minutes to purchase their ticket and participate in the draw to win the hefty jackpot. To learn more about these features in depth and for all other information you can visit Habbo's very own helpdesk at .





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Super Moderator
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
Seen this hotel a while back and thought it stood out to other retros. Good luck!


Mar 17, 2018
Absolutely loving the UI customizations, this hotel has a lot of promise!!
It's refreshing to see a Hotel that actually stands out from the group. Goodluck!


Ancient Member
Jul 4, 2010
Seen this hotel a while back and thought it stood out to other retros. Good luck!
I thought this too.
Also find that retros named "Habbo" seem to be different to the rest of them, or is that just me?

Best of luck with this, I will check it out.
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