Has being political correct gone too far ?


:: xHosts :: www.xhosts.uk
Sep 12, 2011
Do you think that being "politically correct" has gone too far in some parts of the world ?


:: xHosts :: www.xhosts.uk
Sep 12, 2011
I think it's gone way too far in most of the world.

I have found even ordering tea / coffee in Mc Donalds in my local area you need to ask for tea/coffee without milk, you are not longer allowed to ask for a Black tea/coffee

I was told it could be offensive.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
I have found even ordering tea / coffee in Mc Donalds in my local area you need to ask for tea/coffee without milk, you are not longer allowed to ask for a Black tea/coffee

I was told it could be offensive.

This is one of those moments where just a "like" button doesn't suffice.


May 18, 2020
I think its mainly due to social media that things like this get blown out of proportion as its been seen saying the wrong thing and someone filming it is all it takes to lose your job and then it brings a domino effect on someones surroundings. I don't think saying something should be that detrimental unless you're blatantly being racist then you should be punished. But this is 2020 and everyone seems to be a fucking snowflake and the smallest of words can really upsets someones chi.


:: xHosts :: www.xhosts.uk
Sep 12, 2011
I am one of the few in my year from school (left over 15 years ago) that is not obsessed with all this "you cannot say or do that" someone maybe offended. I agree that some people are racists but I am finding most find issues with things to simply try and get there name out there as a "do gooder" when all they really are is someone who does not have enough of a light to occupy their own time


May 18, 2020
Writing this on my phone. (Struggling not to seem “racist”)

I can completely agree with what you’ve said it seems to be that age that are going out and complaining about certain things or setting peoples businesses or property on fire? Like that isn’t going to solve anything and all of this came from because one man died on the street when he was resisting arrest (body cam footage was leaked) and now no one seems to be talking about the first incident or the 2nd or the third because of all the evidence that’s been shown. I think it’s all just fucking childish and they all need to just get on with there life cause it’s just not painting anyone in a good light at all. And also going out and in your daily light making certain “exceptions” on the use of different words can have both a negative light and or positive light on the whole situation as it can be frustrating towards people.


:: xHosts :: www.xhosts.uk
Sep 12, 2011
The way things are going the character in Austin Powers "Fast Bastard" will soon have to be renamed to the "weight challenged son of a unmarried female", it seems everything has to changed and getting worse by the day


May 18, 2020
That made me chuckle, I do think that the first signs of all this was shown when comedy was getting backlash for some of there jokes and I do believe that eventually even making a slight joke towards someone (not even of there skin colour) that it will be frowned upon. If this is the peak of human evolution then holy shit what the fuck have we done.


May 18, 2016
That made me chuckle, I do think that the first signs of all this was shown when comedy was getting backlash for some of there jokes and I do believe that eventually even making a slight joke towards someone (not even of there skin colour) that it will be frowned upon. If this is the peak of human evolution then holy shit what the fuck have we done.

Took the wrong turn


May 15, 2016
it's about having respect for people, especially minorities, and especially when you're in public. you don't know what other people have been through, and most countries are full of diverse cultures and people now. it's about being inclusive and making sure everyone feels welcome.


May 15, 2016
So I am supposed to respect minorities more than others? Isn't that "racist"?
You can't be racist to white people

I'm we should be showing respect for all people, and especially minorities where we (the white west) haven't before historically


Amateur Hour
Aug 30, 2020
You can't be racist to white people

I'm we should be showing respect for all people, and especially minorities where we (the white west) haven't before historically
"You can't be racist to white people"? Can you explain this further?


Mar 13, 2017
How exactly can you not be racist to whites when you can be racist to every other race?
because for example black people have delt with racism for decades upon decades, the slurs used against them are disgusting, there isn't any slurs white people get called due to the fact that they're white, stop trying to run a false narative that you can be racist to whites because you just can't😂😂😂


Amateur Hour
Aug 30, 2020
Well, many of the responses so far in this thread point to a strong indication that political corectness has gone too far.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
because for example black people have delt with racism for decades upon decades, the slurs used against them are disgusting, there isn't any slurs white people get called due to the fact that they're white, stop trying to run a false narative that you can be racist to whites because you just can't😂😂😂

What? Calling a white person a "cracker" is as racist, for example. How are you ever planning on gaining equality, if you start saying things like this? Most people on the left side of the political spectrum saying stuff like this, is one of the reasons you will never solve these issues.

Besides that, every time a "white cop" shoots a "black citizen", it's automatically deemed as racist, even before a full-on investigation could have been finished and all the facts have seen the light. And you know what the biggest overlap is here? They don't listen to the police. If the police tell you to stand still and put your hands up while they aim a gun at you, you LISTEN. If you walk away trying to grab something from a car, you're not going to be shot because of your skin color, but because the police officers don't want to die either.

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