Has being political correct gone too far ?


:: xHosts :: www.xhosts.uk
Sep 12, 2011
You can't be racist to white people

I'm we should be showing respect for all people, and especially minorities where we (the white west) haven't before historically

I am sorry but that is total bollocks, you can be racist to ANYBODY, if you are for example not allowing someone to take part in a certain event or action based on their race that is racist. This does not matter what race you are or the other party involved is, if you are from differnt races this can be considered racist.

So in your fucked up mindset if a black person calls me a "white honky" or "milk boy" that is not racist BUT if I used the N word or made some other reference based on his skin colour that would be racist ?

This is why the world is a mess because it is different rules for different people based on skin colour / race. Before anything will even be fair in the world we need to accept that EVERYONE is equal no matter of their race, what happened hundreds of years ago maybe bad but this should have no bearing on the rules and laws today. If you want to end racism and hate everyone including the legal system needs to just see facts, not race, gender or skin colour or history of a certain race just the facts as they are standing today.

Example Person A stole £50 from Person B

It does not matter what colour or race person A or B is, simple fact £50 was stolen at the end of the day


May 18, 2020
You can’t bring up what the whites did to the blacks a few hundred years in America with the whole slave trade when African tribes were selling there own tribe members for weapons alcohol.

Also that the first legal slave owner in America was black.

Despite the past events to the black community in America were the media has portrayed the police as the bad guy is utter bollocks and this whole movement for them from atleast my perspective is pretty stupid and now anytime a small incident happens it gets blown out of proportion. Look at the facts;

George floyd was seen as a genital giant but if you look at his criminal history there’s crimes like;

Aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon in 2007.
Trespassing on someone’s property(robbery).

I’ll post the rest of his crimes at the bottom for you to look at. But bare in mind the police knew who they were going to arrest.

the police knew who they were dealing with which is why they used that amount of force, the police tried to get him into the police car for 15-20 minutes then used force to get him in which is when George floyd shoved back the police officer which is why that amount of force was used although it shouldn’t have been to that extent like a knee into his back would have sufficed to hold him on the ground.

The recent shooting were the police officer shot the male suspect in the back 7 time’s was far yes but when a suspect says he’s going to go get a knife and then is told to get on the floor multiple times and doesn’t what do you do? Do you just look at him and say no don’t stab me? No the suspect listens to the officer and simply doing as what they say makes your whole life 100000% fucking easier.

There isn’t going to be a winner in all of this, all we’ll do is split the human civilisation up and that creates a sort of herd mentality which is being now seen in a lot of areas in America.
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Dec 20, 2011
Well, many of the responses so far in this thread point to a strong indication that political corectness has gone too far.
Most of your responses just indicate ignorance to pretty simple things.
What? Calling a white person a "cracker" is as racist, for example. How are you ever planning on gaining equality, if you start saying things like this? Most people on the left side of the political spectrum saying stuff like this, is one of the reasons you will never solve these issues.

This is the stupidest thing you've ever posted on the forum... the irony is the word originates from when plantation owners were no longer allowed to have black slaves so poor white people had to "crack" the corn themselves. Yes, it's derogatory, no - it's not racist.

Reverse racism isn't a thing, please urgently educate yourself and learn the difference between racism, prejudice and bigotry.
The sooner white people like you stop trying to dictate and define what racism is the better, and I say this as a white person myself.


May 15, 2016
I am sorry but that is total bollocks, you can be racist to ANYBODY, if you are for example not allowing someone to take part in a certain event or action based on their race that is racist. This does not matter what race you are or the other party involved is, if you are from differnt races this can be considered racist.

That's racial discrimination, white people aren't oppressed or a minority. Do you think women-only or minority-only events aimed at promoting diversity are sexist and racist?

So in your fucked up mindset if a black person calls me a "white honky" or "milk boy" that is not racist BUT if I used the N word or made some other reference based on his skin colour that would be racist ?

It's not racist, and racism isn't just about words. You are not a minority, so you will never truly experience racism, it's understandable why you don't understand this. This is why it's so important to listen to black people, not push our views on to them.

This is why the world is a mess because it is different rules for different people based on skin colour / race. Before anything will even be fair in the world we need to accept that EVERYONE is equal no matter of their race, what happened hundreds of years ago maybe bad but this should have no bearing on the rules and laws today. If you want to end racism and hate everyone including the legal system needs to just see facts, not race, gender or skin colour or history of a certain race just the facts as they are standing today.

I agree, unfortunately systems and people today do see race.

The recent shooting were the police officer shot the male suspect in the back 7 time’s was far yes but when a suspect says he’s going to go get a knife and then is told to get on the floor multiple times and doesn’t what do you do? Do you just look at him and say no don’t stab me? No the suspect listens to the officer and simply doing as what they say makes your whole life 100000% fucking easier.

If he was white he wouldn't be dead.


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
Most of your responses just indicate ignorance to pretty simple things.

This is the stupidest thing you've ever posted on the forum... the irony is the word originates from when plantation owners were no longer allowed to have black slaves so poor white people had to "crack" the corn themselves. Yes, it's derogatory, no - it's not racist.

Reverse racism isn't a thing, please urgently educate yourself and learn the difference between racism, prejudice and bigotry.
The sooner white people like you stop trying to dictate and define what racism is the better, and I say this as a white person myself.

The way you and many others are currently talking is the reason this will never be solved. You can't talk without insulting people who have a different opinion. Properly debating and having a conversation about it is not in your skillset, you'd rather push your "enlightened" opinion onto others. The history of a word is only relevant to a certain degree, when it's used (how it's now often used) to talk derogatory based on their race or skin color, is the definition of racism. Besides that, your entire rant is about how you define racism. So claiming "white people like me" are trying to define racism, is a bit hypocritical. Just because I have a different opinion on some subjects, doesn't mean I should "educate" myself.

That's racial discrimination, white people aren't oppressed or a minority. Do you think women-only or minority-only events aimed at promoting diversity are sexist and racist?
In some parts of the world, whites are actually oppressed or a minority. But that's complete besides the point. How do you want to gain equality, if you highlight based on skin color? If you want to achieve equality, you should promote unity. You're only enlarging the difference. And besides, that, not every person in this world will "educate themselves". Some people don't have the intelligence, understanding, or proper upbringing, for whatever reason. You will never convince anyone if one side is yelling to the other side what they should do.

It's not racist, and racism isn't just about words. You are not a minority, so you will never truly experience racism, it's understandable why you don't understand this. This is why it's so important to listen to black people, not push our views on to them.
Not sure what you are doing here, but it seems that you are pushing your (/their) views on us. There's actually quite a big group of "black" or whatever label you want to put on it people who don't agree with what is going on, at all. One of those examples is Candace Owens. Shouldn't we also listen to her views than, as she's also black? Or shouldn't we, because she has a different opinion than yours?

If he was white he wouldn't be dead.
And this is the biggest bullshit ever. You don't know that. Because probably, he would be. Do you know that police officers have the biggest chance of dying on the job, on the specific call that they were there for? They're scared for their lives. It's not like they shot him directly. They tried to detain him, told him to stay put. However, he chose not to listen to the officers. Instead, while 2 guns where being pointed at him, he actually walked to his car to GRAB something. Black, white, yellow, or silver, every officer would have shot at that last moment. They waited until the very last moment to shoot him. But no, you can't see this objectively. You call it racist because it's a white cop shooting a black man. If anyone is the racist here, it's you, for claiming there would be a difference because he's black.


Dec 20, 2011
The way you and many others are currently talking is the reason this will never be solved. You can't talk without insulting people who have a different opinion. Properly debating and having a conversation about it is not in your skillset, you'd rather push your "enlightened" opinion onto others. The history of a word is only relevant to a certain degree, when it's used (how it's now often used) to talk derogatory based on their race or skin color, is the definition of racism. Besides that, your entire rant is about how you define racism. So claiming "white people like me" are trying to define racism, is a bit hypocritical. Just because I have a different opinion on some subjects, doesn't mean I should "educate" myself.

You can have your opinions but it's important you realise they're not facts.

What I posted was facts based on history and what we know, not opinion, and nothing I said was insulting - unless of course you're now considering "stupid" to be a serious insult - doesn't quite fit into your "political correctness has gone too far" agenda. But I'm the hypocrite..

Educate yourself.


May 18, 2020
Let's keep it civil.
Okay let’s look at the background of the black race in America and how they grow up;

blacks in America have the highest single parent upbringing.

blacks have the highest suspension and expulsion at school in America.

Blacks in America are more likely to commit a crime based on statistics.

blacks in America are more likely to kill a person of different colour then any other race based on population%.

Now how could this be solved? This can be solved by increasing education levels in schools by not burning down your own cities robbing or committing crimes staying out of the gang life. How do we know this works? Look at Neil deGrasse Tyson who in the 1960s grew up in the Bronx in New York who was surrounded by crime and surrounded by poverty but instead of making other people hand him stuff he went out and earned it in a far far far more racist driven environment. He didn’t have a good school nor did he have the “white privilege” to be able to have “more of a chance” no he worked hard for what he wanted he didn’t complain about it he got in with it. And if you want to talk about races that have been persecuted you best bring up the Indians who lived in America or the Jews or the Muslims who have seen far far far worse actions against there race do they complain? No they got on with it and worked out of it all be it Americans still are racist to their groups they just get on with it and don’t act childish going around burning towns and peoples businesses and property because they feel the need to get heard. So far all you’ve done in this thread is grasp at straws and make [REMOVED] statements about someone’s colour of there skin. Oh and to top it off fun fact white police kill more white skinned people then any other race might wanna do your research and not listen to bullshit media in America.


Mar 13, 2017
What? Calling a white person a "cracker" is as racist, for example. How are you ever planning on gaining equality, if you start saying things like this? Most people on the left side of the political spectrum saying stuff like this, is one of the reasons you will never solve these issues.

Besides that, every time a "white cop" shoots a "black citizen", it's automatically deemed as racist, even before a full-on investigation could have been finished and all the facts have seen the light. And you know what the biggest overlap is here? They don't listen to the police. If the police tell you to stand still and put your hands up while they aim a gun at you, you LISTEN. If you walk away trying to grab something from a car, you're not going to be shot because of your skin color, but because the police officers don't want to die either.
every human should be equal no matter what, just because the colour of somebodies skin? it's gross tbh


👄 I'd intercept me
Nov 25, 2011
You can have your opinions but it's important you realise they're not facts.

What I posted was facts based on history and what we know, not opinion, and nothing I said was insulting - unless of course you're now considering "stupid" to be a serious insult - doesn't quite fit into your "political correctness has gone too far" agenda. But I'm the hypocrite..

Educate yourself.

Once more, I'm educated enough on the subject, thank you. It seems like you can't come up with any proper argument than pushing your views on somebody else. Besides that, yes, indeed, you are the hypocrite. Saying someone is "stupid" during a debate about a sensitive subject, has completely nothing to do with an opinion about political correctness. There's a huge difference between normal civil standards and having an opinion about political correctness. This is something that happens more often when conversations like this happen, you take completely unrelated pieces of information/content/context, and mix it to something else as some kind of argument to put down the opposing party.

I take no insult at all when you call me stupid, however, if you have to result in "insults' or anything else to strengthen your argument, you probably don't have a proper argument.

every human should be equal no matter what, just because the colour of somebodies skin? it's gross tbh

So you are saying people shouldn't be equal? Or what is it what you are saying exactly?

Moderation note:
Thread has been moved to the "Debate" section. As this is a very sensitive subject, it's not something that fits under general discussion. This means that the "Debate" section rules also apply. Besides that, especially due to the sensitive nature of this subject and highly opposing sides, keep this discussion civil. Insulting each other or someone's opinions is not-done. It doesn't matter what opinion you have, this will lead to a warning. Posts will remain in place, with the insults or derogatory remarks removed from the post.
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:: xHosts :: www.xhosts.uk
Sep 12, 2011
That's racial discrimination, white people aren't oppressed or a minority. Do you think women-only or minority-only events aimed at promoting diversity are sexist and racist?

Actually if you are wanting to aim to be petty more and more gender aimed events are having to become more diverse due to the increased numbers of people opting for gender changes, really once someone identifies as a different gender they cannot deny that person the right to take part.
It's not racist, and racism isn't just about words. You are not a minority, so you will never truly experience racism, it's understandable why you don't understand this. This is why it's so important to listen to black people, not push our views on to them.

White people are the minority in some places around the world, please actually think of the facts before posting, if for example a white or asian person went to live in a native black country would they not be in the minority in that country ?

If he was white he wouldn't be dead.

Total rubbish, from what you have said here this would mean in reality that if a black person attempted to attack a white person and the white person push the black person over and they fell and died as a result of hitting there head on the floor which can happen if you push anyone and they either land badly or awkwardly that would still be a racist killing.


Amateur Hour
Aug 30, 2020
Most of your responses just indicate ignorance to pretty simple things.

This is the stupidest thing you've ever posted on the forum... the irony is the word originates from when plantation owners were no longer allowed to have black slaves so poor white people had to "crack" the corn themselves. Yes, it's derogatory, no - it's not racist.

Reverse racism isn't a thing, please urgently educate yourself and learn the difference between racism, prejudice and bigotry.
The sooner white people like you stop trying to dictate and define what racism is the better, and I say this as a white person myself.

Your entire statement indicates a lack of common sense and extreme ignorance. "Reverse racism isn't a thing" loool

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