Hybrid Habbo (Roleplay + Classic)

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New Member
Jul 18, 2023
I'll just cut to the chase ... With so many Habbo Retro servers coming and going week after week these past few months, in MY OWN OPINION I can honestly say I haven't seen anything much unique or different from what is in @Object tutorial setup - A default Atom theme as the CMS , Arcturus Morningstar as the Emulator, some leaked plug-ins, and leaked catalogues which now everyone is using and has access too. Some honorable mentions would be Habba, HabGen, and Hive who uses their own completely unique CMS and made major fixes/changes to their Morningstar Emulator. Besides the retro servers I've named everything else looks like an exact copy and paste of each other and aren't dared to be different. Seeming now custom features aren't really what makes a retros community grow, because now'adays most players move with a group of friends and migrate all together. So interacting with your community and building a friendship with them as an owner plays a huge role with Habbo Retros now. Long story short, myself and a friend of mine (Tre) were fairly impressed and influenced in what Emerald Heights, NaHabbo, and myBobba did with the "Hybrid" roleplaying experience. Them finding a way to merge two communities within one client was absolute genius and definitely not something we've seen happen before in Habbo Retros, let alone Habbo. For the past few weeks I've been working on further developing some plug-ins and files that we obtained from the former owners of NaHabbo (thank you to @Sarbaz). Myself and Tre decided to proceed with the state of how the files were provided and launch a project with the same Hybrid concept. Now let us get to what everyone cares about and why you clicked this thread...

Just like I stated above we plan on continuing the Hybrid concept where the server will provide players the option to switch between two different modes which is called 'Classic Mode' or 'Roleplay Mode'. With this project being considered a "Hybrid" concept we decided to go with that name - Hybrid or Hybrid Habbo doesn't matter.

As far as the Classic side everything seems to be ready and complete, so we decided to start focusing more on the RP side. Below we break down the differences between the two (2) modes and provide more information & details on what to look forward to regarding this project.

Classic Mode is self-explanatory, it will be favored by players who are interested in playing the original Habbo experience. Building, gambling, participating in events, and socializing. Basically whatever you can do on Habbo.com but with some additional features. We plan on getting creative and adding in some unique features as development continues (fishing, mining, leveling system, etc.)

"Roleplay Mode" will give players the ability to work at jobs (aka corps) to gain in-game currency, create gangs, capture turfs, combat/fight, participate in heists/robberies & other traditional Habbo roleplay features. We plan on introducing a system with features that haven't already been used on any other previous Habbo RP servers but will not pull far away from the traditional RP experience.

For anyone who may be interested in joining our team we are open to adding some additional developers to make the progress more quicker and efficient as we do all have lives outside of developing and the internet. We will also be looking for some BETA testers, community moderators, room builders, and event coordinators once we are closer to a public launch date.

If you are interested in staying up-to-date with the progress you can join our official Discord server:
We are open to suggestions and would love to hear your ideas on how we can better the experience for our community.

PROGRESS BAR (will be updating this section as we continue to add features & make changes/fixes)
  • Added the ability to search in bins throughout the city which will give you a percentage chance to retrieve an in-game RP item (currency, weapons, shields, medkits, etc.)
  • Added the ability to start/stop shifts for corp workers
  • Made it so when workers start/stop shifts their outfit updates and changes (and motto)
  • Made it so workers can only start/stop shift inside their respective corp room (except police)
  • Added the ability to offer items based on your respective corp (medkits for medics, weapons for armoury, coffee for starbucks, etc.)
  • Added a custom unique UI that hasn't been used by any other RP before (thanks to the previous GFX/UI designer before who based this UI on Josti's concept - Josti#2748)
  • Added inventory, healthbar, and some other RP UI assets to the client
  • Reworked the pathfinder and how clicks work to make combat and tracking much smoother
  • Added a Uber system (formally known as "Taxi" in previous RPs) / There will be "Uber Stations" throughout the city where users can prompt a UI to choose their destination(s)
  • Added weapons, food/snacks, energy boosters, and other RP-related items
  • Added the ability to create gangs & mafias (The mafia is feature is something we added to bring in something different than the typical gang sysem seen on other RPs - more information on how Mafia's will work will be listed here soon)

  • Gym System (where users can build strength)
  • Phone System (used to communicate and socialize)
  • Farming System (players can farm to obtain sellable items to sell at the marketplace)
  • Wanted System (will work just like it did on traditional RPs - nothing special)
  • Escort System (will work just like it did on traditional RPs - nothing special)
  • Ticket Arrests System (will work just like it did on traditional RPs - nothing special)
  • ATM System (will work just like it did on traditional RPs - nothing special)
  • Bank System (will work just like it did on traditional RPs - nothing special)
  • Drugs (weed, cocaine, meth, etc.) [These items will be distributed & controlled by the Cartels] (working on it)
  • Turfs, Trap Houses, & Cartel Islands (territories and turfs that can be protected and captured by rivals)
  • Cocaine/Meth Lab & Weed Plant House (these will be in a hidden spot on the map where players can go make drugs) (working on it)
  • Unlockable Skills + Achievements (players will be able to gain skills - knowledge, stamina, explorer, and others we're still thinking on)
  • Leveling System (a system where players will gain XP to unlock levels which will reward them with different RP items and bonuses)
  • Alot of UI edits, UI popups and additional custom UIs (custom images, CSS edits, and command prompts/popups)

If anyone have any suggestions or if I missed any features you think a RP must have please drop your suggestions below - We're open to any and everything!
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Mar 17, 2018
Nah ok Sarbaz this is totally you LOL
its even formatted exactly like the nahabbo thread
I used to support you but this just gotta stop

also take it as someone who recently had like 5 diff rp families move to your hotel, you dont want them there LOL
thank god they went back to boon

we trying to appeal to the vanilla rper, and our users enjoy the basic roleplay concept we have with house and proeprty buying, cars, and just an overall sick city to chill out in


Truth is treason in the empire of lies
Nov 8, 2013
Okay you guys got me this time. 🤣
Join the Discord link and stay updated with the updates, let's be friends this time around. 🫶

I'm not Tre or Linkest but yes I am part of Hybrid. I just suggested to them to make an announcement about the project on DevBest to get some beta testers interested in potentially checking it out and be aware of it over-all. So yes indeed, I sent them the NaHabbo blueprint and told them to make whatever edits and changes to their liking. I'll be assisting them behind the scenes and giving them a full breakdown how the 50/50 concept is suppose to operate correctly. As far as NaHabbo its dead and gone and didn't fulfill my expectations. As for this project its alot more promising and is under some good people, they are both amazing developers.

@GooGoo @KingKai @Puffin you guys got me.
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New Member
Jul 17, 2023
Firstly, I am Tre, and I joined Linkest in working on this project after he inherited NaHabbo from Sarbaz. We've also been fortunate to have Sarbaz's expertise and guidance as we work on the structure and organization of our project. It's great to see the interest and discussions around it, and we're thankful for all the input.

I'd like to emphasize that this project holds immense potential. We have already made significant progress in terms of functionality and features. We are working diligently to create an experience that offers something distinct and fresh for the Habbo community.

For those interested, we've set up a Discord link where you can stay updated with our progress, contribute your ideas, and get involved. We will need Beta Testers soon and will be looking for active community members to partake in Beta Testing. Let's collaborate to make this a project we can all be proud of.


Super Moderator
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
I'm closing this thread due to the fact that you never proceeded with your previous project and tried to fool everyone.

We'll see you in the Habbo Advertisements section if you actually open this time.
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