Rant About It


Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Apr 10, 2013
Need to get something off your chest? Just post it here!


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
Why in the fuck does Windows suck so much? Seriously, Microsoft employs an absolute metric fuck-ton of amazing and talented software enginerds and somehow they still manage to produce a buggy, nearly useless pile of shit while 15 year olds are making patches and fixes to their software and releasing it on Github, which Microsoft owns.

And while I'm here bitching, why is Habbo so shite too? They had literally a full decade in advance to figure out the replacement for the flash client, and even then the Retro community adopted Nitro and Habbo is stumbling over itself trying to figure out how to recoup losing 30% of it's player base. Now they're just extracting more money from whoever is left and updating slowly.

Oh fuck it, why the fuck are "gaming" monitors so awful? Why is color accuracy not a thing? QC issues and backlight bleeds so heavy you'd be forgiven if you called an ambulance upon first sight. Why can I get a 4k, HDR10 49" TV for $400+shipping/tax but to get an HDRi (fake HDR) 4k ~30" monitor you'll have to take a second mortgage out on your first born child. I hope you don't mind a dead pixel or five, because if you happen to mention that in your RMA they'll say it's within spec and to deal with it.

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