[READ] FindRetros Reports: Section Rules.

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Chaturbate Livestreamer
Staff member
FindRetros Moderator
Jul 24, 2010
Hello, I have decided to write some new section rules for the FindRetros section, as if you have not already noticed (27/02/2013) this new Reports section has been added, making the section much more clean! :)

Section rules:
  • When reporting a thread include the reason why and the FindRetros username of the account breaking the rules and what rule it is breaking.
Here is a little template for the report you could use:
Rule breakers FindRetros username: MichaelMadman
Rule breakers FindRetros link: http://findretros.com/page/MichaelMadman
Rule broken: None.
How long this has been happening: 0 days :).
Thank you for reading.
Ps; Teso da boss and Holmes da boss!
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