Subscriber Perks


fight teh power
Staff member
May 3, 2010
I'm interested in other ideas people might have.

Are GIF avatars inspired by Discord? Is your GIF avatar always shown (or just when you hover). Obviously my main concern would be that it's distracting, but if it's not an issue on Discord, then it's probably not something to be too concerned about here.

As it currently stands, you should currently be able to upload a profile banner (in general). Kind of interesting to make that an upgrade perk.

I've also thought about streamlining all upgrades into one, where you can pick your own username color.
  • It'd likely not be bold, as it'd potentially conflict with other ranks.
    • Or maybe there's a set of colors you can choose from.
  • Price would probably be around $3-5/mo (or maybe have discounted options for longer periods of time).

Mar 13, 2017
I'm interested in other ideas people might have.

Are GIF avatars inspired by Discord? Is your GIF avatar always shown (or just when you hover). Obviously my main concern would be that it's distracting, but if it's not an issue on Discord, then it's probably not something to be too concerned about here.

As it currently stands, you should currently be able to upload a profile banner (in general). Kind of interesting to make that an upgrade perk.

I've also thought about streamlining all upgrades into one, where you can pick your own username color.
  • It'd likely not be bold, as it'd potentially conflict with other ranks.
    • Or maybe there's a set of colors you can choose from.
  • Price would probably be around $3-5/mo (or maybe have discounted options for longer periods of time).
YES!!! hex code picker to pick our own name colour


Circumcised pineapples
Aug 26, 2011
I'd like to see the community awards listed under the user's name in the posts. Much like other forums do with the user's rank, a small banner that usually says "Administrator" or some other self-aggrandizing flashy thing, but instead it would be "Top shitposter 2020" and "Most hated user" etc, with the option to see older ones as I presume @TesoMayn repeatedly gets both of those awards every year.

Is there an option to toggle user signatures? When on laptop/mobile it's nice to have a more compact layout.

What happened to DevBest's release page? I think it used Xenforo release manager and I thought that was dank, but probably overkill I guess. I just remember when I saw Jian's releases on it and thought omg it's such a beatiful and digestible layout, and also enhances searching (imo).

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