Whos a better US president?

Whos a better US president?

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You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
Surprised to see Obama with all those votes, there's alot of information out there on all the damage he caused economically with his 8 years.
I would say Trump at the moment has a better philosophy and better statistics, in terms of growth and generic shit like that.
Time will tell though ofcourse, it's not fair to compare an 8 year presidency to one that just started.

I have some faith left though, atleast there's no bush votes xD
Would be wrong to vote for the guy who begun the destabilization of the middle east pretty much


a devbest user says what
Aug 22, 2010
I voted in this poll for Trump, because he doesn't act like a politician and he's politically incorrect, luv him <3_<3
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23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
Surprised to see Obama with all those votes, there's alot of information out there on all the damage he caused economically with his 8 years.
I would say Trump at the moment has a better philosophy and better statistics, in terms of growth and generic shit like that.
Time will tell though ofcourse, it's not fair to compare an 8 year presidency to one that just started.

I have some faith left though, atleast there's no bush votes xD
Would be wrong to vote for the guy who begun the destabilization of the middle east pretty much
What lasting damage did Obama cause economically? He was given the worst financial crisis the US has seen since the Great Depression. What is a "better philosophy"? Statistics mean nothing unless lagging indicators are properly accounted for.


Jan 16, 2018
Well I think this thread is structured just like our political system, presenting the perfect opportunity to state the following.

When you are presented with a scenario where there are options A and B you can almost always assume that this is an argumentative fallacy. There are few circumstances in life where the settings are so black and white as to present only two options.

I firmly believe this is the foundation of bullshit in America. You can choose to shoot yourself in the right foot or the left foot but either way you're still shooting yourself in the foot.

So in answer to this thread I will give option D; none of the men pictured here are valiant nor should they be looked upon as outstanding models of moral character.


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
What lasting damage did Obama cause economically? He was given the worst financial crisis the US has seen since the Great Depression. What is a "better philosophy"? Statistics mean nothing unless lagging indicators are properly accounted for.
Well you're right about the shit he inherited, to be fair though trump also inherited somewhat of a mess- nothing near the crisis of 2008 but, yeah.
And the philosophy i'm referring to is his america first lingo, or just general change, no more of the same shit as the last 8 years- anti establishment

here's the data on the economic shit;
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"Yes, Obama prevented an even greater collapse in 2009. But he also failed to prosecute the banking executives responsible for the housing crisis, then approved a foreclosure wave under the guise of helping homeowners. Though were in favor of government action to halt foreclosures, Obama’s administration balked. And voters noticed. Americans were happy with his economic policies this time last year (though that was an all-time high for Obama). And by Election Day, were looking for someone who could take the country back “from the rich and powerful,” something unlikely to be done by members of the party that let the financiers behind the 2008 financial crisis walk free."

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" Historically, the deeper a recession, the more robust the recovery that follows, but the economy’s rebound under Obama was the worst in seven decades. Annual GDP growth since the recession ended has averaged a feeble 2.1 percent, by far the puniest economic performance of any president since World War II. Obama than all previous stimulus programs combined, with wretched, counterproductive results. On his watch, millions of additional Americans fell below the poverty line. The number of food stamp recipients soared. The national debt doubled to an incredible $20 trillion. According to the Pew Research Center, the share of young adults (18- to 34-year-olds) living in their parents’ homes is the highest it has been since the Great Depression."

"Far from reducing costs, Obamacare sent and skyrocketing. Insurance companies, having suffered billions of dollars in losses on the Obamacare exchanges, have pulled out from many of them, leaving consumers in much of the country with few or no options."

"In his rush to pull US troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan, he created a power vacuum into which terror networks expanded and . Islamic State’s jihadist savagery not only plunged a stabilized Iraq back into shuddering violence, but also inspired in the West."

"Overall then, the American Taxpayer Relief Act seems to have not had much of an effect at all on economic growth. "

Overall it'd be extremely unfair to call him the worst president, he inherited alot of shit.
Though, out of the 3 (bush obama and trump) I think trump is the best because of his anti establishment philosophy and desire for real change.

Even beyond the economic stuff, Obama supported terrorism by purposely leaving equipment behind for the proxy army isis. (lots of articles on this )
He humorously claimed race relations in america are the best they have ever been... yikes.
And to finish it off; "Kennedy sent man to the moon, Obama sent them to the womans bathroom." lol
Well I think this thread is structured just like our political system, presenting the perfect opportunity to state the following.

When you are presented with a scenario where there are options A and B you can almost always assume that this is an argumentative fallacy. There are few circumstances in life where the settings are so black and white as to present only two options.

I firmly believe this is the foundation of bullshit in America. You can choose to shoot yourself in the right foot or the left foot but either way you're still shooting yourself in the foot.

So in answer to this thread I will give option D; none of the men pictured here are valiant nor should they be looked upon as outstanding models of moral character.
I conclude with this ^
I still stand with the saying "Presidents get selected, not elected". Let's not forget Trump is an actor just like Reagan was


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
I wouldn't say Obama was one of the worst presidents or even on the list of the worst. Last year around this time, I was extremely pro-Trump but after seeing a lot of how Trump handles things publicly versus Obama; there is a very notable difference. Neither president is perfect, but Obama surely didn't hate the United States nor did he purposely arm terrorists.

It's crazy to relate the military's actions directly to that of the president; when they are not connected besides in a very loose manner. It's like saying 14% of the military is at non-deployable status because of President Trump being such a horrid president; or x amount of soldiers are discharged daily because of failing to meet PT standards due to Trump. I mean Trump has vowed to eliminate ISIS and so forth; but the war on terrorism seems to be at a stalemate just as it always was doomed to be. Probably because the president himself is not capable of dictating the entire war effort.

The only thing I have noticed with the Trump effect is people placing blame onto foreigners or minorities where it shouldn't be. "I got laid off so they can go hire some illegal Mexicans" probably is inaccurate, maybe you were laid off because of not following safety protocols and being injured for wrongful behavior on the job.

I have yet to see Trump do anything that is a direct effect of his own actions. Most of the economic benefits since he has came into office were already building from the previous 2 terms served by the most hated man in office.
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Feb 13, 2018
Obama was the least corrupt,
I have no idea how even the alt right can still support Donald Trump, even if you think arming teacher's to prepare for school shooters is a good idea,
you can't deny the corruption, so many stories about the corruption is about that the whiteHouse doesn't even respond to all of them, it's mad, seriously do some research regarding the corruption and you will see what I'm talking about.
Obama was the most forward thinking, down to earth president we have had, Trump isn't down to earth he just acts like he is.
And Hilary Clinton is also extremely corrupt as well, if you look at her superPac (May not have spelled that correctly) and look at Bill's SuperPac, they are basically the same companies, and Bill looked out for those companies while in office, which is just red-handed corruption and basic proof that Hilary would have done the same.
Just my opinion, don't listen to everything I say and take it with a grain of salt, and before you believe anything check sources.


i am a virgin
Apr 6, 2016
I'd have to say the best president out of the previous ones in the last few years would be Obama. I'd have to say this because he has good principals compared to Trump and would be more then happy to spend time with children in hospital and mixing with the general public.

Personally I don't think there's many who love Trump other then the few redhead states that can seem very racist.

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