Building own CMS | Basics


Im dying slowly.
Oct 4, 2014
Hi there.

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that helps users create, manage, and publish digital content, such as articles, images, videos, and other types of multimedia. CMSs typically provide an easy-to-use interface for content creators to add and edit content, as well as tools for organizing and publishing that content.

To build a basic CMS, you would need to have a good understanding of web development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a server-side language like PHP or Python. You would also need to know how to work with databases like MySQL or MongoDB.

Here are some basic steps you would need to follow to build a CMS:
  1. Plan the structure of your CMS and the types of content you will allow users to create.​
  2. Create a database to store your content and user data.​
  3. Build the backend of your CMS, including server-side scripts to handle user authentication, content creation, editing, and deletion.​
  4. Build the frontend of your CMS, including the user interface for content creation and editing.​
  5. Test your CMS thoroughly to make sure it's working correctly.​

Here are some code snippets that demonstrate basic functionality in a CMS:
  1. User Authentication​
  2. // This code logs in a user by checking their credentials against a database session_start(); if(isset($_POST['login'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; // Connect to database and query for user with given email and password if($result) { // If user found, store their ID in session variable $_SESSION['user_id'] = $result['id']; } }
  3. Content Creation​
  4. // This code creates a new article in the database if(isset($_POST['create_article'])) { $title = $_POST['title']; $body = $_POST['body']; $author_id = $_SESSION['user_id']; // Connect to database and insert new article with given data if($result) { // If successful, redirect user to view the new article header('Location: /articles/view.php?id=' . $result['id']); } }
  1. Content Editing​
  2. // This code updates an existing article in the database if(isset($_POST['update_article'])) { $id = $_POST['id']; $title = $_POST['title']; $body = $_POST['body']; // Connect to database and update article with given data if($result) { // If successful, redirect user to view the updated article header('Location: /articles/view.php?id=' . $id); } }

I will be revising and improving the topic at a later time to enhance its quality.

Aug 24, 2012
can you make a big guide please
Creating a CMS (Content Management System) can seem complex, but here's a simplified guide to help you get started, even if you're new to the process. This guide assumes you have some basic web development knowledge:

  1. Understand the Basics:
    • What is a CMS? It's a software that helps users create, manage, and modify content on a website without the need for specialized technical knowledge.
    • Key Components: A typical CMS has two major components: a Content Management Application (CMA), which allows users to add and manage content, and a Content Delivery Application (CDA), which compiles the content and updates the website.
  2. Choose Your Technology:
    • Programming Language: Popular choices include PHP, Python, and JavaScript (Node.js).
    • Database: MySQL and MongoDB are widely used.
    • Frameworks: Consider using frameworks like Laravel (PHP), Django (Python), or Express (Node.js) to simplify development.
  3. Plan Your CMS:
    • Features: What features do you need? Examples include text editing, file uploading, user authentication, and content publishing.
    • User Interface: Sketch out how the admin panel should look. Simplicity and usability are key.
  4. Set Up the Development Environment:
    • Install the necessary software like a code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code), a web server (e.g., XAMPP for PHP or Node.js for JavaScript), and a database server.
  5. Start Building:
    • User Authentication: Implement login/logout functionality and user management.
    • Content Management: Create interfaces to add, edit, and delete content.
    • Database Integration: Ensure your CMS can save and retrieve data from the database.
    • Front-end Development: Build templates for displaying the content on the front end.
  6. Test Your CMS:
    • Conduct both automated and manual testing. Check for bugs, security vulnerabilities, and usability issues.
  7. Deploy Your CMS:
    • Choose a hosting service.
    • Deploy your CMS using FTP, SSH, or any other method supported by your hosting provider.
  8. Documentation and Support:
    • Write clear documentation for end-users.
    • Provide support channels for users to report issues or seek help.
  9. Continuous Improvement:
    • Gather user feedback.
    • Continuously update your CMS with new features and security updates.
Remember, building a CMS is a complex project that requires patience and iterative development. Start with basic features and gradually improve your system. There are also many resources and tutorials available online for specific technologies and steps.

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