Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton?

Who Will Win?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 10 66.7%
  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 5 33.3%

  • Total voters
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Sep 30, 2014
Who do you think is more qualified for president?
Donald Trump OR Hillary Clinton?

OR would you rather just not vote
idk you tell me in the comments down below

I have to pick DONALD TRUMP


You're a slave to the money then you die
Jul 20, 2013
Most Qualified? Hillary Clinton
Why? Experience (bad experience lol), connections, political power.

Who I'd want? Doland Trump (Jill stein for third party)
Why? Not Hillary, no political connections, no corruption. Minimalistic background in large buisness & money handling.

The Problem:
The current candidates shouldn't even be allowed to run, one is under federal investigation and the other has no political background.
This election is not an election, it's vote who you hate the least. It's a fear driven election, with the fears being war with russia, economic collapse, civil unrest.

The Solution:
Support a third party candidate, but this is only a solution if you manage to have a third party candidate overrule one of the candidates in the mainstream party.
(This will probably never happen ever)

The REAL Solution:
I have no fucking idea, let's just hope an economic bubble doesn't burst like the housing bubble in 2007.


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
lel rednecks r so funny !!!

If you had to take an I.Q. test to be President.
Donald Trump wouldn't be President.

If you had to take an I.Q. test to vote.

Donald Trump wouldn't be President.


Dec 26, 2015
To all those my vote doesn't matter people:


Apr 17, 2015
donald will be sooo much more better than hillary if hillary gets prez its gonna be WW2 all over
WW2!? If Hillary became president nothing would physically happen but she would give Nuclear Codes to ISIS and Bombs etc to help them, she is basically the mother of ISIS if you really look into it.... And Beyonce JAY Z, And Katy Perry 'supporting her' are really not they are all just part of Free masons. You should really look into how evil Hillary is.. Donald for days.

Also you should look into the Clinton Foundation, It gets worse.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Regarding comments towards education, experience, or anything else relative.

Few factors to remember
  • The Democratic party has been heavily involved in violent riots both pre-election and post-election
  • The majority of the country supported Trump, while areas in high unemployment and low-education ratings (Urban if you will), were pro-Hillary
  • While Donald has a background involved in rough business situations he has come to admit his faults, and stated he abused the system because it was exploitable
    • Hillary has not had the decency to admit to her mistakes or very rough past
      • How rough? Lack of support to assist our military in foreign countries resulting in deaths
      • She has been involved in numerous embezzlement schemes resulting in people she hand-picked being arrested, while saving herself
      • She's admitted to having confidential information on her private servers, which is a federal-crime
        • A family friend was arrested for accidentally having clearance information on a email himself a few years back
      • Not to mention she rigged the entire election from the start (DNC)
  • Also, why would you support a criminal who rigged it against Mr. Sanders?
    • The only actual democrat capable of the presidency and handling it fairly - while making his bills supported on both sides of Congress
    • Also, I did not support most of his ideas such as free college or extremely high minimum wage :)

Not to mention, most of this country has switched from Democratic to Republican this election. They were probably tired of being stepped on by the Democrats, and now the GOP lead congress has even created a law to prevent President Obama from passing any last minute executive orders, or laws to attack our next presidency - just showing how stressed out these previous 8 years have been. We are left with an unstable middle east, extremely low employment rate, high welfare recipients, and almost 3 times the government deficit rather than getting us out of it. I would go into the weakened military we have, but that problem will be fixed after January quite quickly.

Our current president and the democratic party have also been actively inspiring people to do illegal and malicious things. Obama telling non-citizens to do a patriotic thing, and go out and vote while Obama is also in support of the post-election riots. 'We need to show them how we feel about this decision, make sure you voices are heard.'

Anybody also in support of a popular vote stating America is a 'democracy' needs to remember we are a representative republic - for state power, not urban power. Example below of how a popular vote would be upsetting for the entire country - when Chicago made the decision for the rest of the Republican state

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Apr 17, 2015
Regarding comments towards education, experience, or anything else relative.

Few factors to remember
  • The Democratic party has been heavily involved in violent riots both pre-election and post-election
  • The majority of the country supported Trump, while areas in high unemployment and low-education ratings (Urban if you will), were pro-Hillary
  • While Donald has a background involved in rough business situations he has come to admit his faults, and stated he abused the system because it was exploitable
    • Hillary has not had the decency to admit to her mistakes or very rough past
      • How rough? Lack of support to assist our military in foreign countries resulting in deaths
      • She has been involved in numerous embezzlement schemes resulting in people she hand-picked being arrested, while saving herself
      • She's admitted to having confidential information on her private servers, which is a federal-crime
        • A family friend was arrested for accidentally having clearance information on a email himself a few years back
      • Not to mention she rigged the entire election from the start (DNC)
  • Also, why would you support a criminal who rigged it against Mr. Sanders?
    • The only actual democrat capable of the presidency and handling it fairly - while making his bills supported on both sides of Congress
    • Also, I did not support most of his ideas such as free college or extremely high minimum wage :)

Not to mention, most of this country has switched from Democratic to Republican this election. They were probably tired of being stepped on by the Democrats, and now the GOP lead congress has even created a law to prevent President Obama from passing any last minute executive orders, or laws to attack our next presidency - just showing how stressed out these previous 8 years have been. We are left with an unstable middle east, extremely low employment rate, high welfare recipients, and almost 3 times the government deficit rather than getting us out of it. I would go into the weakened military we have, but that problem will be fixed after January quite quickly.

Our current president and the democratic party have also been actively inspiring people to do illegal and malicious things. Obama telling non-citizens to do a patriotic thing, and go out and vote while Obama is also in support of the post-election riots. 'We need to show them how we feel about this decision, make sure you voices are heard.'

Anybody also in support of a popular vote stating America is a 'democracy' needs to remember we are a representative republic - for state power, not urban power. Example below of how a popular vote would be upsetting for the entire country - when Chicago made the decision for the rest of the Republican state

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This guy makes sence! Check the Democrats History and how they are part of Free Masons... Republicans speak the truth.. Abraham Lincoln was one


not so active
Aug 24, 2014
lol !!! Trump supporters and their conspiracies r so hilarious

member' barack obama not being a us citizen?
member' jimmy carter seeing a ufo? xdddd

btw guys Clinton got the popular vote, Trump got the more electoral votes


Apr 17, 2015
lol !!! Trump supporters and their conspiracies r so hilarious

member' barack obama not being a us citizen?
member' jimmy carter seeing a ufo? xdddd

btw guys Clinton got the popular vote, Trump got the more electoral votes
Do your research about how evil Democrats are.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
This guy makes sence! Check the Democrats History and how they are part of Free Masons... Republicans speak the truth.. Abraham Lincoln was one
The Republican party during Lincoln's time is nothing like the modern Republican party (it had more in common with the current Democratic party).



i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
Lincoln was pro-slavery, just anti-confederacy and the stress it imposed on the union.

Democrats such as the ignorant Jaden, blatantly spamming memes are the reasoning that nobody believes in their party. Democrats won the election by popular vote (Which never has mattered, ever) due to the 3 million surplus of illegal votes counted so far.

Hell, even on election day itself thousands of illegal immigrants were detained by the ICE when attempting to vote.


23:37 [autobots] -!- eckostylez [[email protected]]
Nov 25, 2012
@Leader - it doesn't help when you spew false information:

"The Democratic party has been heavily involved in violent riots both pre-election and post-election"
Is it the Democratic party that is organizing this or just people who voted for Democratic candidates?

"The majority of the country supported Trump, while areas in high unemployment and low-education ratings (Urban if you will), were pro-Hillary"
Except the majority did not support Trump.

"How rough? Lack of support to assist our military in foreign countries resulting in deaths"
Let's play, name a country. Go on.

"She's admitted to having confidential information on her private servers, which is a federal-crime"
Wait, I thought you just stated she did not have the decency to admit her mistakes? Has she been indicted? We have a 3 branch system for a reason, it is the Judicial branch that determines if she is guilty of committing a crime.

"Not to mention she rigged the entire election from the start (DNC)"
So then why didn't she win? Plus, the DNC rigged the party election, not her specifically. There is a difference in being the candidate for a party and the committee that actual runs the party's platform.

"We are left with an unstable middle east, extremely low employment rate, high welfare recipients, and almost 3 times the government deficit rather than getting us out of it."
What. The Middle East has been fairly unstable since WW2 (and this was primarily caused by the British). The unemployment rate has been cut nearly in half in the past four years. The statement regarding the government deficit is flat out false. Learn the difference between a deficit and debt.


i drain to live
Sep 30, 2013
@Leader - it doesn't help when you spew false information:

"The Democratic party has been heavily involved in violent riots both pre-election and post-election"
Is it the Democratic party that is organizing this or just people who voted for Democratic candidates?

"The majority of the country supported Trump, while areas in high unemployment and low-education ratings (Urban if you will), were pro-Hillary"
Except the majority did not support Trump.

"How rough? Lack of support to assist our military in foreign countries resulting in deaths"
Let's play, name a country. Go on.

"She's admitted to having confidential information on her private servers, which is a federal-crime"
Wait, I thought you just stated she did not have the decency to admit her mistakes? Has she been indicted? We have a 3 branch system for a reason, it is the Judicial branch that determines if she is guilty of committing a crime.

"Not to mention she rigged the entire election from the start (DNC)"
So then why didn't she win? Plus, the DNC rigged the party election, not her specifically. There is a difference in being the candidate for a party and the committee that actual runs the party's platform.

"We are left with an unstable middle east, extremely low employment rate, high welfare recipients, and almost 3 times the government deficit rather than getting us out of it."
What. The Middle East has been fairly unstable since WW2 (and this was primarily caused by the British). The unemployment rate has been cut nearly in half in the past four years. The statement regarding the government deficit is flat out false. Learn the difference between a deficit and debt.

The riots have been admitted to being paid for by the DNC pre-election, and post-election hirings for professionals have been found being paid for by DNC as well. The current president has also been supporting them openly, alongside Clinton.

Any respect I had for you in the past has been lost. I did not mention the unemployment rate, because it's an inadequate measurement versus the employment rate.

She admitted to having confidential information, by being tricked into it by Trump in which she deliberately tried accusing President-Elect Trump by stating him asking Russia to access her emails, is leaking confidential records.

The entire election for the DNC, would be the Democratic party side. Unsure if you're trying to pick through my statements, or what's going on here as I even stated which election process was mentioned.

The middle east was somewhat stable before Obama began pulling troops sparking the refugee crisis.

The majority of counties, townships, and states support Trump. The cities supported Clinton, learn to read.
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And remember, the next time a democrat bitches about the popular vote - let's go to the origin where the founding fathers felt people to stupid to choose for themselves. Because these riots are just an example
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