Is being gay a societal norm?


PHP and C# Developer. Project Saturn Coming!
Jul 4, 2010
Was being black a social norm when the Africans were fighting for rights?


Africans? Your statement is so ignorant, it's sad. And to your point race and ethnicity are completely different than your sexual preference.

Example in sports (because I like sports :p ): Jackie Robinson - I'm pretty sure he couldn't hide or keep to himself that he was black, well because he was black.
Michael Sam - Nobody knew he was gay, but he decided to hold a conference with someone of the media and tell the world he was gay. Two different things buddy.

My point, is people don't know or generally don't care of your sexual preference. It's when people feel the need to tell everyone it gets annoying.


Always Learning
Aug 8, 2013
So If I was feeling a bit murderous and wanted to slit everyone's throat and fuck the wound - that wouldn't be a mental instability because it's a feeling, amirite?
no that's a fucked up crime ... Caring and loving someone should be based on gender it should be based on feelings but again this is my opinion


The OGz
Aug 4, 2010
Thread cleaned, all off-topic posts have received a warning.

If you're wanting to post inside active debates please make sure you back up your argument with an actual point.


Go away lol.
Mar 14, 2014
I'm sure later in the future gay laws and limits will be a lot less strict, I've heard all this talk lately about how "gay is cool" on the media and garbage phony cat shit like that but I don't really care about hetero's or homo's in the end we all suck dick. With all this music about anti-gay standup and preach your freedom etc, it's eventually going to not be a problem for anyone. HIV is most commonly spread in homosexual intercourse, so either way I'm sure they'll die off like an extinct wildlife animal.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2013
Even the rules of evolution seem bias towards whether or not we support the homosexuals as evolution is a concept of survival of the fittest.

We however cannot reproduce in a situation between a male/male or female/female, its not possible to reproduce and if everyone were to be gay, we'd eventually evolve into a world of extinction. There is nothing natural or "normal" about being gay, whether choice or not its a sickness and I don't say that just because of a religious view, but the fact that were learning to accept (which we can accept without supporting their sickness) is just pathetic. A roughly 1.4% of america is gay and we are concerned about an issue that is not even a civil right.

Of course people are going to argue this, but open your eyes. Love is an emotion and sex is a physical pleasure of love, there is nothing pleasuring or even thoughtful of sticking a penis in another man's ass. Nothing normal about that.


maging ang maganda mamatay
Jun 4, 2010
Even the rules of evolution seem bias towards whether or not we support the homosexuals as evolution is a concept of survival of the fittest.

We however cannot reproduce in a situation between a male/male or female/female, its not possible to reproduce and if everyone were to be gay, we'd eventually evolve into a world of extinction. There is nothing natural or "normal" about being gay, whether choice or not its a sickness and I don't say that just because of a religious view, but the fact that were learning to accept (which we can accept without supporting their sickness) is just pathetic. A roughly 1.4% of america is gay and we are concerned about an issue that is not even a civil right.

Of course people are going to argue this, but open your eyes. Love is an emotion and sex is a physical pleasure of love, there is nothing pleasuring or even thoughtful of sticking a penis in another man's ass. Nothing normal about that.
At your last paragraph of course you're going to say that, you're not gay.
I'd also like to know where you got your 1.4% from. I think You're pathetic for saying that you shouldn't accept what you say to be 1.4% of a population or be concerned about their civil rights. Just because they're a minority doesn't mean they don't matter you ignorant slut. You don't go hate on someone with mental illness even though they're a minority


Rising Java Developer
Dec 8, 2013
being homosexual is completely normal, everyone is attracted to the gender they like, nobody has the right to judge others by their preference. Nothing is wrong with it, i support gay people :p


Active Member
Oct 28, 2013
At your last paragraph of course you're going to say that, you're not gay.
I'd also like to know where you got your 1.4% from. I think You're pathetic for saying that you shouldn't accept what you say to be 1.4% of a population or be concerned about their civil rights. Just because they're a minority doesn't mean they don't matter you ignorant slut. You don't go hate on someone with mental illness even though they're a minority

Well of course I'm not gay, but at the same time its not normal or even natural to do such action. The research was done in a project I did (I'll post the source when I find it) is where the 1.4% came from. Its NOT a civil right, this is not a ethnicity or race issue, this is about sexual preference and has nothing to do with your civil right. I'm not ignorant, you're just butt hurt because I don't support your belief, but yet you're funny to think I'm going to have tolerance for someone who doesn't have tolerance for mine? Now who is the ignorant one?
Don't be such a hypocrite and this thread was open to share opinions without the act of insults, and yet you've already shattered that rule. Never once did I state I "hated" gays, so there you're wrong again. Your argument of that post are invalid and you are irrelevant my friend.


maging ang maganda mamatay
Jun 4, 2010
I'd prefer a number that wasn't achieved for some high school project.
As to say it's not normal; it happens all the time in the animal kingdom. Sex with the same gender isn't a human concept. So it is completely normal. I have no idea why you say it's not a civil right. It should be a civil right to marry whoever you damn well feel like. Civil rights are not limited to race or where you came from.


Русский Стандарт
Dec 18, 2010
These sorts of threads fucking annoy me.

I'm a dick most of the time but honestly do not see anything wrong with being gay, I've got a couple of mates who are gay and I treat them the exact same as I do my straight mates.

I do the same stuff with them as my straight mates, we often just go out grab a meal, few beers and stuff and they're the exact same as my straight mates lol what's the big deal?


Active Member
Oct 28, 2013
I'd prefer a number that wasn't achieved for some high school project.
As to say it's not normal; it happens all the time in the animal kingdom. Sex with the same gender isn't a human concept. So it is completely normal. I have no idea why you say it's not a civil right. It should be a civil right to marry whoever you damn well feel like. Civil rights are not limited to race or where you came from.

It was not my own information but in fact from a government website and it was a college project (unlike it really matters) as age cannot determine intellectual level like what you are stating. So what if it was a high school project, even though it wasn't. You're just creating new arguments cause you cannot argue with the statements I made. You also accused me of using the word "hatred" which I did not find anywhere the word "hate". Because its not a civil right.

I don't treat gay people different, I don't harass them I'm actually quite kind with them. If I were to be mean I think that would sound a little hypocritical against my religion as I am a Christian and I don't hate anyone, everyone deserves to be treated equally, but to encourage a sin? I refuse.


thinking about you. yes you
Dec 11, 2011
Do you believe that people who love or want to marry someone of the other sex should be deprived of happiness because it is 'a sin' then? I don't see what harm it is doing to anybody of any religious community. Just because you are religious and you believe it is a sin doesn't mean that it's wrong at all. You say it's a sin because you read it in a book that is supposed to share the views of this so called all-knowing powerful "God" or whatever.

I think this isn't a religious debate so don't use the "oh it's a sin" as an excuse for not liking the fact that people are gay, get over it.

EDIT: I meant this isn't, not is.


Active Member
Oct 28, 2013
If this is not religious base, then why has the LGBT community created the "Queen James" version of the bible?

They've removed scriptures abominating against gay-marriage and are trying to sell it to persuade people to their preferences.

This has become a religious problem when they take something from my religious twist our words so we are forced to accept what we know is wrong.

More information here.



thinking about you. yes you
Dec 11, 2011
If this is not religious base, then why has the LGBT community created the "Queen James" version of the bible?

They've removed scriptures abominating against gay-marriage and are trying to sell it to persuade people to their preferences.

This has become a religious problem when they take something from my religious twist our words so we are forced to accept what we know is wrong.

More information here.

That doesn't apply to homosexuals as a whole so it's irrelevant until the day you can prove there is a God. What you're referring to is for the homosexuals who do still believe in religion which would be considered a whole separate debate. Also for you to say that they've taken something and twisted your words is wrong is kind of hypocritical, I can't imagine the amount of times the bible has been re-written from so many years in the past to the current version(s) you have today which I'm certain not only leaves out much detail but has things changed.


Holla Holla
Nov 3, 2014
I think being gay is generally accepted in today's society, but you more commonly come across bisexuals now a days.
I'm a bisexual myself but what I hate about bisexuals is the fact that if you want to be famous on any social network then you "have" to be bisexual. People use it as an excuse to gain popularity because it was previously out the norm. I have come across many in my time and most have never even kissed both sex's. It really bugs me that people use it as a way to exploit others in order to gain popularity. *rant over*

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